Increase Volume of Video
I often do video guides to the solutions I create to help the administrators of the system. I use Open Broadcaster. I sometimes forget to adjust the recorded volume and need to adjust it after the video has been recorded.
Resizing Images
As a web designer I often have to resize a large number of images. Here are a couple of the commands I use. These use the ImageMagick application.
Ubuntu 10.10 64bit Ralink3090
I have been attempting this on and off since 10.10 RC1. The machine I use also has a Belkin N Wirelss card using the Ralink 2860 chipset.
The result of compilig the 3090 driver from the Ralink website has always been for the computer to hang at the logon screen but now its working.
Kubuntu 10.04 and the T-Mobile Broadband 615 USB Device
The T-Mobile 615 USB broadband stick is not recognised on insertion by Kubuntu/Ubuntu 10.04/10.10. These instructions enable you to use the device.
Linux Ubuntu 11.10 mdadm Raid 5 - Incorrect Raid Array Name
Having recently configured a Linux storage server using mdadm in Ubuntu 11.10 I experienced some problems with the array device name being rest to md127.
Linux Poor Mans Raid
I needed to create a stable Linux Raid 5 Array for a client but money was tight and the performance requirements could not be satisfied by MDADM. There are a number of options available. A Raid 5 controller supported by ( in this case ) Ubuntu. These were elimated on cost as it costs approx £200-£250 for a PCI-E based controller that supports Raid 5. e-bay has lots of cheaper secondhand controllers but they tend to be PCI-X based and the server in this case only had PCI and PCI-E slots. The solution turned out to be cleaver port replicator from The model can be found here. This card can either as as a Port Multiplier where one SATA port can support upto 4 Devices or provide Raid 5/0/1.